April 26, 2023 Circular 013 of April 14, 2023DISTRICT LEGAL SECRETARIAT - MAYOR'S OFFICE OF BOGOTA D.C. Circular 013 of April 2023 partially...
April 13, 2023 Amézquita News Newsletter AprilBelow is the regulatory summary for the month of March 2023, with the main legal...
March 30, 2023 External Circular 005 of 2023El pasado 23 de marzo, la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia emitió circular externa 005 de...
March 14, 2023 Amézquita News Newsletter MarchBelow is the regulatory summary for the month of February 2023, with the main legal...
February 24, 2023 New deadlines for the ICA declaration of the Common RegimeNew deadlines for the ICA declaration of the Common Regime The District Secretary of Finance,...
February 24, 2023 PSE PaymentsWe are pleased to inform you that, from now on, the ONLY means of payment...
February 20, 2023 Amézquita News Boletín febreroA continuación presentamos el resumen normativo del mes de enero de 2023, con las principales...
February 15, 2023 Corporate Obligations Calendar 2023We present the 2023 Corporate Obligations Calendar. In this document you will find the main...
February 13, 2023 Nuevo PTEE para las EPS, EMP, SAP y otros vigilados por la Superintendencia de SaludLa Superintendencia Nacional de Salud a través de la circular de la referencia, se dirigió...
February 6, 2023 Special Tax Regime – RTELes comparto la ampliación del plazo que la Ley 2277 de 2022 realizó para la...